Calculate times from other timezones to your local time - select time and timezone (EST 2:30 PM; CET 18:30 etc) and see it in your local time.
Sports events, TV shows, stock market opening times etc are often shown in a specific timezone like EST or CET.
Before you had to know the main city in that timezone, add it you iPhone world clock or some timezone app, calculate the current time difference and finally calculate actual event time in your local time. And still might have got the wrong time because daylight saving times are applied differently around the world (on different dates or not at all).
This app lets you to select time and timezone exactly as you see it on the website, TV etc and shows it in your local time.
Main features:
• select timezone and time exactly as you see it (EST 2:30 PM or CET 18:30)
• see selected time instantly in your local timezone and format
• set reminders
• Select timezone (EST, EDT, GMT, UTC, CET, MSK etc) from the list of common or all timezones
• Select an hour offset if necessary (UTC+2, CET-1 etc)
• Select time in 2:30 PM or 14:30 format
• Default time input format according to timezone (2:30 PM for Northern American, 14:30 for European timezones etc)
• See local time always in your local format (2:30 PM/ 14:30/ 下午2:30 etc)
• Set reminders with one click
• Set reminder some time before the event starts
• Readjust the reminder after reminded (from 15 min before to 5 min before the event)